2003 TV show Dead Zone mentions Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine Cure Lockdown
2003 TV show Dead Zone mentions Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine Cure Lockdown
Health and Truth are the Same
2003 TV show Dead Zone mentions Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine Cure Lockdown
Jesuit Vatican CV19 Conspiracy is Admitted to by Catholic press
Fauci vs Fauci – Jesuits exist to “counter” the Protestant Reformation. Jesuits historically known as poisoners, per the “fourth vow” in Congressional Record; notice the word “extirpation”. America largely a Protestant country; most of the world non-Catholic. Was the vaxx sham a “countering” by “extirpation”? Avoid the dire mistake of thinking Protestant Reformation (and thus Jesuit intrigue) was settled.
Biblical Third Strand of DNA Vaxx 2 GMO U Their new vaccine “contains DNA that They want to insert into your cells and have your cells basically make virus proteins, or maybe some other kind of protein…” “…perhaps people don’t know that the vaccine They [Bill Gates, UN WHO] are developing for this issue is … Read more