Spanish Flu and Aspirin
Dr Sam Bailey’s grrreat research into 1918 Spanish Flu
To create a pharmaceutical industry they required generational fear. great research.
You have to love the blue context bar from YouTube “Learn about vaccine progress from the WHO” yeah right, just as soon as I get a lobotomy YouTube.
I am amazed how the same people played the same game in 2019, so many similarities…well done research!
You should also mention the drug ASPIRIN, which was new on the market at the time. It was very often used in connection with the flu and was often massively overdosed
October 3, 2009 Source: Infectious Diseases Society of America Summary: The devastation of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic is well known, but a new article suggests a surprising factor in the high death toll: the misuse of aspirin.
Thank you!! Dr. Clare Craig speaks of this as well. And, doing some research myself, I found a couple of interesting things: Aspirin went off-patent in 1917 when the US cancelled Bayer’s rights due to the war with Germany. This opened up manufacturing to all pharmaceutical companies at a fraction of the cost. This made aspirin affordable for the masses. Also, the product was now being made by factories inexperienced in the manufacture of the drug – which may have led to quality control issues. And much of the product was sold in powdered form, not pills. All of these points may have led to more overdose situations.
Warning on the side-effects insert for Aspirin. Something like, “Consult doctor if you should quit taking Aspirin when you are about to take a va scene.” Strong indication of serious damage.
I did not hear mentioned the possible cause as exposure to electromagnetic energies. INVISIBLE RAINBOW book by Firstenberg corollates disease outbreaks with mass electrification programs.
Fauci was heavily funded and educated by Vatican
Excellent summary. So much to consider when we try and establish cause! I’ve read the Rosenau experiment, a few times. Mike Stone and I have discussed it on a brilliant Zoom meeting at the end of ‘21. I’ve discussed it with a couple of medical students and a GP. They dismiss it based on either too small a cohort size or it’s too long ago – ‘You can’t trust a 100 year old study!’ Some folks really want respiratory contagion to be a real phenomenon. It baffles me!
So deadly and such a world event that it doesn’t appear in older encyclopedias!
The Killing Fields of Eugenics
My paternal grandmother was 18 when the flu ‘pandemic’ was rife in Dundee Scotland. When i was 16 and she was 77 i asked her about it. She couldnt remember much about it. You have to remember people in those days were dying of all sorts of things so a flu death wasnt noticed she told me. I seem to recall some people wearing masks but i was too busy trying to get a bloke (my granny was a bit more forward than ‘get a bloke’), to notice. None of my friends died of the flu and nobody i knew personally died of the flu. They did die of other ailments. (In fact researching my family tree back to 1700’s nobody had influenza on their death certificate after 1855. TB and lung cancer was the big killer of my ancestors on both my fathers and mothers side. Jute and flax mill workers). Strange times.
A grrrreat book on chem warfare is Paxton’s HIGHER FORM OF KILLING
This is the best explanation on Spanish Flu I’ve heard or read. Extremely well done.
Fascinating video. One key aspect I think Sam did not emphasise is malnutrition. Much of the world’s population was suffering varying levels of malnutrition, especially those populations outside western Europe. I am sure this will have negative effects on general health and the immune system
“Spanish flu” killed both my great grandparents on the same day in 1919, leaving my gran and her 7 siblblings orphaned. Her father worked on the docks, in the east end of London, so it’s entirely feasible that he came into contact with foreign born objects that could have been infected with the chemical warfare from the trenches of WW1.
Also look into the food the troops were fed. 1918 was the start of canned food, for the soldiers, all void of meats. Probably a multi prong sword.
THE ROAD TO WIGAN PIER, chapter 6 in Orwell’s ANIMAL FARM book, states, ‘we may be more effective [at mass depopulation] with tinned food than the machine gun’. Eugenics. George Orwell relation of British P.M. Tony Blair. Beware, They are on all sides, all crooks and nannies!
An important point. What metals leached into the food from the cans? If the solder attaching the lids to the cans was lead based and the lead leached into the food…
the cans were lined with plastics; the ‘mass sterilization’ via hormone disruptors began immediately
The first casualty of war is the truth.
I have a fascination with this topic. My grandmother lost her only brother to alleged Spanish Flu when he was a young soldier stationed in the eastern US awaiting transfer to the European theater. Mere weeks later, she lost her oldest sister to alleged Spanish Flu contracted according to family history and some news articles that was contracted at a travelling circus in NM, thousands of miles away. My great aunt was pregnant at the time and the baby was lost, as well. I have often wondered so much about what is true and what is not. This gives me much to research. Thank you!!
A good person to research is Frederick Taylor Gates and his meningitis vaccine
Is he related to Bill G ates ?
I had seen someone do a genealogy and it wasn’t on his Gates side that they’re related but on his mother’s side.
Not surprised to hear that a Gates was involved in this! Rockerfeller as well!
The U.S. did not have H1N1 influenza testing technology in 1918. The influenza virus was not isolated until 1933.
Per DR TOM COWAN, no virus has ever been isolated, according to scientific process — it’s 100% allllll psyence
Evil. We were going to make peace with Germany, till the Balfour agreement, which promised American aid, if we gave some of the lands known as Palestine to the Children of Israel. Hence those awful ships with countless equines and young men crammed in terrible conditions, only to die miserably in Europe. So evil.
Have you read/listened to “The great Red Dragon, or London money power” I think its on Odysee as an audio book. Published in 1883 I think its a fascinating listen about that very subject.
Daniel Roytas also covers this topic in his book ‘Can You Catch a Cold?’
Great video..very well researched. Of interest is the book “The Falsification of History” by John Hamer. Here it is claimed that aspirin overdose may well be the reason for such rapid deterioration and death. The symptoms of aspirin overdose match those of the Spanish Flu. At the time people were frightened and were taking large doses of aspirin thinking they were warding off the flu. well worth a read.
see also Hamer’s sister-book FALSIFICATION OF SCIENCE
Yes it’s important to mention aspirin and how it was massively overused in the United States. I’m not clear as to how extensively it was used in Europe. Overdosing on aspirin delivers the same blue tinge to the skin while the lungs fill up with fluid.
Yes, good paper in Nov 2009: Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence Karen M. Starko
Oh gosh, you’re amazing Dr Sam! My mum never vaccinated me and my brother and when I had my own child I did as much research as I could pros and cons. The problem was, the only positive re vaccinations was on government websites! So I concluded it was more risky to vaccinate than he get measles, mumps etc (diseases that all kids used to get and get over pretty quickly!). My mum used to say, Polio didn’t disappear with a vaccine but with refrigeration of dairy products… sanitation became better!
Polio disappeared when they stopped spraying crops and kids with DDT.
The very important missing factor is Vitamin D deficiency, these men were not ever exposed to the sunshine. The sailors used for exposure to the sick for research were taken from the chain gangs aware worked hard in the outside and would remove outer clothing and receive a large amount of sunlight on their skins. Even when forced to the faces of the severely sick none of them were struck down by any sickness. Their levels were therefore sky high giving the a good immunity.
Sounds like today’s tactics. “Stay indoors”.
My Grandmother told tales of all her young life. She never once mentioned Spanish flu! I have wondered whether it actually impacted her at all. She lived in London.
One more factor you forgot to consider was the prolonged use of cloth masks. not abundant and not washed for days and weeks in some cases, causing mucormycosis and bacterian pneumonia…
Electricity was introduced to Whangarei in 1917.
So was wireless technology
The massive overuse of Aspirin during the “Spanish Flu” must be considered as a major factor. The levels of overdose common back then (doses up to 37grams) caused the exact symptoms that caused the death of many young victims who would normally be extremely unlikely to be seriously effected by a respiratory virus.
Another thing to consider: While photography had been around since the mid 1800s, its use in newspapers was a relatively new phenomenon. Also, while commercial radio broadcasts would not come for a few more years, the military was already using the technology. These technologies allowed for the hitherto unprecedented widespread and rapid dissemination of information, which led to mass hysteria over the “new virus”—much as the relatively new advent of social media did for the SARS-CoV-2 “novel virus” just over a hundred years later.
most war casualties are from scurvy. [vitamin c deficiency]
An excellent and most informative documentary. No mention of aspirin, though, which it is said was often prescribed by doctors who didn’t fully appreciate the risk of overdose, one symptom of which is blue lips and bloody froth around the nostrils.
It did start out with the military, but the next year civilians all over the world had it. Villages in Alaska were wiped out.
Excellent video. It was called the “Spanish flu” because if was first reported in the Spanish press. It was heavily censored in the press in the other countries. Moreover, regarding socio-economic conditions, the Royal Navy blockade prevented food and supplies entering Germany long after Armistice was signed in November 1918. The blockade was only lifted after Germany signed the treaty of Versailles and accepted full responsibility for the “war-guilt”.
Don’t forget the introduction of new communication technology, “The Invisible Rainbow” is a good read.
6:8 minutes . A still photo of actor Louis Hayward and the dead Frenchman from a scene of the 1930 film , “All Quiet On The Western Front”.
My Grandmother lived at Camp Jackson in Columbia, SC. She told stories of wagon loads of bodies passing by her home. Young soldiers who had died of the flu.
from my Research, Bayer used to sell heroin in the Sears catalog with needles and decorative carrying case and it was used mostly by women as it was not socially acceptable to drink alcohol in the late 1800 and turn of the century. Aspirin, also from Bayer contained heroin and maybe why overdoses were common..
“Bacterial Pneumonia was the killer in 92% of 1918-1919 Spanish Flu Deaths. With severe influenza, as with SARS COVID-1 and COVID-19, Bacterial Pneumonia is an often encountered SEQUELAE.I agree that ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS are important.
It was used for the last reset, they reset every couple hundred years. That’s how they maintain control. Take everyone’s stuff and start over.
Another myth is that WW I ended in November 1918. That was only on the western front in France. The war in the middle east and in russia continued onward until 1923 in various forms and guises. Also German trenches were much better for the men than English and French trenches. English & French kept their trenches awful so the men wouldn’t hesitate to get out of them on the attack. German trenches had dining halls and libraries and decent sanitary conditions.
2/3 of combat deaths in the Napoleonic wars and the US civil war were from disease. This is estimated at 1/3 of combat deaths in WW1. This is what being thrust into congregate living and horrible conditions does to largely rural populations with little prior exposure to disease. Also, an estimated 8 million horses, mules and donkeys died in WW1.
Clouds of burnt horse manure ash falling on the barracks and soldiers lined up for their in-jections of horse serum vacks. They weren’t just horsing around were they, and down to brass tacks. What a waste of potential angels.
I hate this platform.
It hates us more

“[All] studies concluded that what was considered to be one of the most contagious communicable diseases in history could not be transferred [from person to person] under experimental conditions.” — 22:10
“A look at history books and statistics shows that epidemics always developed where human biologic systems have been weakened, primarily due to lack of food and water, poor sanitary conditions, toxic overload, and immense social stressors. This description defines the world of 1918 and the social conditions of the Great War.” — 23:50