The Depopulative George H W Bush visited Monsanto RE RoundUp toxic soybeans
Obama’s Science Czar, JOHN HOLDREN, had, 15 years prior, co-authored a 1,400-page textbook detailing how to depopulate the hapless masses by poisoning public water supplies, amongst other schemes. has much more.

News footage shows Bush visiting Monsanto 9 years before Round-Up Ready (glyphosate-resistant) soybeans were first sold. Their schemes are multi-layer, multi-entity, and span decades if not generations.

In 1987, then-Vice President George H. W. Bush visited Monsanto’s research facility to learn about their development of genetically modified crops, including Roundup Ready soybeans. During this visit, he expressed support for deregulation, stating, “Call me, we’re in the dereg business, maybe we can help.”
This visit is featured in the documentary “The World According to Monsanto.”

BUSH devout Catholic.
Reagan actually re-instituted diplomatic relations with Vatican which had been cut after Lincoln assassin John Surratt was given asylum in Vatican and the entire conspiracy was proven to involve a religious basis — all convicted and hung co-conspirators were Catholic.
Vatican Jesuits literally exist to “counter” the Protestant Reformation.
America is largely Protestant.
Is it conceivable that part of the “countering” would include poisoning of crops and thereby citizens?
Jesuit Fourth Vow names “poisoned cup” as primary means of countering Protestants and non-Catholic heretics.