pFaggified by your Rug – Mohawk Ind Sues 3M over PFAS
Mohawk Ind. one of the biggest rug-makers. LOL.
Probably in your home, you roll around on it, breathe up that ‘gay dust’ and rug fibers! Wrecks libido / sex-drive, shrinks nutsacks, stymies families, sterilizes, depopulates. Obama’s Science Czar wrote all about schemes like this and more back in the 1970s. We posted about it decades ago, along with others. Too bad for your and yours it has been demonized and downplayed by Zionic mass-media and criminally complicit government. All perfectly according to Their Plan For You.
3M literally has done the same thing here in Belgium. The PFAS are everywhere! Affecting the water & farms… same exact playbook from corrupt corporations.
The Devil We Know. A documentary worth looking into 3M. They knew for decades. — Obama’s Science Czar JOHN HOLDREN co-wrote a 1,400 page textbook ECOSCIENCE decades ago about how to sterilize and depopulate by poisoning the public water supplies. LOL

Shaw Ind. like Mohawk Ind.
From Zionic Hollywood, CHILDREN OF MEN movie glorified this issue indirectly.