Stacked blood cells due to RF exposure

Blood Before Earthing

Stacked blood cells due to RF exposure – Exposure to microwave radiation from cellphones, wifi and cordless devices cause red blood cells to stack like Pringles or Oreo cookies in Rouleaux formation; stacked blood cells reduce capillary blood flow, may clot and cause systemic pain from lowered oxygen and waste buildup.

SEX – Sacred Energy Xchange – TELEGONY shared paternity, the lasting concept of multiple male partners’ DNA combining upon procreation — GATTACA, Breeding, Bloodlines

Telegony, the ancient idea of shared paternity

TELEGONY shared paternity, the persistent concept of shared fathership; that women retain DNA from multiple partners, such DNA combined at procreation, to form a “diverse” offspring.

Is this Child Being Slow Cooked by Microwave Exposure + Microwave Sensitivity Allergy ?


Child Being Slow Cooked by Microwave Exposure + Microwave Sensitivity Allergy