Dr Tom Cowan explores proposed alternate causes to Polio, including Sugar, DDT, Arsenic, Electricity

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Dr. Tom Cowan’s Controversial Theories on Polio and Alternate Causes Beyond the Poliovirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHvJ0ymR5rg — Interview by Mercola of Tom Cowan Introduction: In the realm of medical history, few diseases have sparked as much controversy and debate as polio. While the conventional narrative attributes the cause of polio to the poliovirus, Dr. Tom Cowan, a … Read more

The Leap in Race Horse Mortality — Arthur Firstenberg is onto something, Again — Why are all those racehorses dropping dead at Churchill Downs? Because, since April 29, they’ve all been wearing powerful WIRELESS monitors (called “STRIDESafe”)

Lost Limbo Murdered By Microwaves

Featured Image: Lost in Limbo, Murdered by Microwaves   https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/why-are-all-those-racehorses-dropping   ORIGINALLY SNAGGED FROM https://cellphonetaskforce.org/racehorses-at-churchill-downs/ RACEHORSES AT CHURCHILL DOWNS by Arthur Firstenberg Racehorses are among the most finely tuned, exquisitely sensitive creatures on earth. So what happens when you give them all cell phones to wear during a race? They start dropping like… well, horses. That … Read more