BAD VIBRATIONS — 96 million plastic “shade balls” in California drinking water reservoir – rubbing together, under intense sunlight, perfect conditions to release microplastic endocrine-disrupting, “feminizing”, mass-population sterilizers

Microplastic Nightmare 20240423 221446


Dr Tom Cowan explores proposed alternate causes to Polio, including Sugar, DDT, Arsenic, Electricity

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Dr. Tom Cowan’s Controversial Theories on Polio and Alternate Causes Beyond the Poliovirus — Interview by Mercola of Tom Cowan Introduction: In the realm of medical history, few diseases have sparked as much controversy and debate as polio. While the conventional narrative attributes the cause of polio to the poliovirus, Dr. Tom Cowan, a … Read more

Polio, actually from DDT?

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DDT as a Causal Factor in Polio Introduction: The history of polio, a debilitating viral disease, is fraught with controversy and speculation regarding its origins and contributing factors. While the discovery of the polio vaccine in the mid-20th century marked a significant milestone in the fight against the disease, questions persist about the role of … Read more

Polio, actually from arsenic?

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Exploring the Hypothesis of Arsenic as a Potential Causal Factor in Polio Introduction: For decades, the medical community has sought to unravel the complex puzzle of poliomyelitis, commonly known as polio, a devastating disease that has afflicted millions worldwide. While the poliovirus has long been identified as the primary cause of polio, recent research has … Read more

From many thousands, down to three known Polio Iron Lungs

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During the height of the polio epidemic in the United States, which occurred in the 1940s and 1950s, thousands of individuals afflicted with the disease required respiratory assistance, including the use of iron lungs. Iron lungs, also known as negative pressure ventilators, were large machines that helped individuals with paralyzed respiratory muscles to breathe by … Read more

The Leap in Race Horse Mortality — Arthur Firstenberg is onto something, Again — Why are all those racehorses dropping dead at Churchill Downs? Because, since April 29, they’ve all been wearing powerful WIRELESS monitors (called “STRIDESafe”)

Lost Limbo Murdered By Microwaves

Featured Image: Lost in Limbo, Murdered by Microwaves   ORIGINALLY SNAGGED FROM RACEHORSES AT CHURCHILL DOWNS by Arthur Firstenberg Racehorses are among the most finely tuned, exquisitely sensitive creatures on earth. So what happens when you give them all cell phones to wear during a race? They start dropping like… well, horses. That … Read more

Is this Child Being Slow Cooked by Microwave Exposure + Microwave Sensitivity Allergy ?


Child Being Slow Cooked by Microwave Exposure + Microwave Sensitivity Allergy