Seed Oil converts to PLASTIC

Seed Oil converts to PLASTIC

American Heart Association was funded by Proctor Gamble and its Crisco synthetic vegetable shortening. It surely shortens lives.

If your olive oil is polymerizing, it is either adulterated or not olive oil at all. A good test is to put it in the fridge over night and if it solidifies it is pure olive oil, if it stays liquid or partially liquid, it is not 100% olive oil.

If you buy a small primal of brisket (Sam’s has it for under $5/lb currently, about 15 lbs and up) there is an absolute ton of attached beef fat that needs to be trimmed. I collected about 5 lbs from my brisket and then followed instructions for rendering beef fat. I wound up with about 2 pints of very pure white tallow.

The heart doctors told my dad, born 1934, that studies of Vietnam War dead, showed that young American men already had signs of cholesterol blockage, aka “heart disease”. This was in mid 70s, and from there the push for margerine, low fat, low egg consumption, fiber consumption and choosing ice milk, over ice cream.

More importantly, look at what studies don’t exist. Just about every herb used for medicine do not have studies to support their medicinal benefits.

When I was in college, we studied margarine and how it came to be. Apparently there was a massive amount of excess cotton seed oil. They tried feeding it to turkeys… And the turkeys all died! So after a few other false starts they hydrogenated it and made it into a butter substitute. They then told the consumers it was healthier than butter. They had no proof, they just said it was. When I was a kid (1950s) you could buy the brand new margarine but it was white, they included a little packet of dye that you mixed into the margarine and it became the color of butter. There are still people buying and eating margarine because they think it’s better for them. Spread the word!

My post was deleted, something about Cotton oil and reproductive harm.

Soy decreases testosterone. That’s why we have soy Boyz today with their soy lattes.

That propaganda did a number on my Grandmother, who growing up on a farm in the 30’s probably milked cows and churned butter as a child and loathed it by the 60’s and 70’s all she would by was “margarine”. It probably had a lot to do with why Grandaddy died so early.

Proctor and gamble sold their souls to the devil in the 70’s.

Canola (rapeseeed) was being produced as an industrial lube. With the advent of better options being easily available(petroleum based lubes), rapeseed fell out of favor because it would varnish everything it was used on and would have to be cleaned often. Farmers continued growing rapeseed and begun to lose money. Instead of changing their choice of crop, the USDA set out to make rapeseed the next food oil. A “bleaching and deodorizing” method was created and canola oil was born. Then the USDA set out to make it popular by demonizing animal fats. After dozens of studies was done(all but one showing animal fats to be better for you), the USDA published the findings from the one study that showed animal fats to cause heart disease. It didnt show seed oils to not cause heart disease, it was simply put out to demonize animal fats. The study was called “The seven countries study” done by Ancel Keys and paid for by the USDA. Its now commonly referred to in certain communities as “The big fat lie”.

Olive oil still has linoleic acid in it at around 10% which is half of canola oil. The lowest linoleic acid oil/fats are cocoa butter, macadamia oil, butter, and coconut oil at 3% or less.

Also the reason bacon is so limp anymore is because the fat is mostly poly unsaturated fats (pufa) like linoleic acid because they feed them a high pufa feed, soy and corn, rather than the traditional feed like acorns and oats which are low pufa. So they have much less saturated fat than traditionally. There are farms that do feed them traditional feed although hard to find.

Cattle are ruminants which the fatty acid profile of their diet has much less effective on the overall fatty acid composition of their fat unlike single stomach animals like humans or pigs which the fats on our body is directly related to the fats they consume.

I cut out virtually all seed oils from my diet a couple years ago. Totally changed my weight, metabolism, and overall health. Highly recommend!

In history class we learned that an ancient civilization called America would actually put chopped potatoes in vegetable oil to cook them. They just waddled around super obese and only lived for like 20 years. They liked it because it made their butts bigger or something.

I work in kitchen exhaust cleaning, I go to various restaurants at night, after they close, and clean the hoods, ducts, and fans. I’ve encountered just about every type of grease. Sometimes it sloughs off in chunks, sometimes it’s stuck to the metal like fucking glue. We use a chemical (can’t say what) which has a chemical reaction with the grease (sometimes…) and we use pressure washers to spray everything. Satisfying work.

About 10 years ago I saw an analysis of various olive oils. They concluded that the industry was completely counterfeit with virtually all players putting veg oils and dye diluting the olive oil. At that time Costco was the only outlier selling honest product. It seems that profit motive has overcome their honour.

The best I ever felt was when my diet was mainly butter, eggs, broccoli, salmon, and bacon. But I’m just some guy on the internet also.

We buy our beef in bulk, and last time we got about 300lbs of fat from the meat packer for around $70. Wife had two big roaster pans going for about 2 weeks, rendering. Ended up with close to 70qts of tallow. Not hard, just time consuming.

I am an old man now, but I still remember as a kid, regularly visiting my ancient relatives in south Wales, who were all either former coal mining families or descended from coal miners. These guys lived through WWII and spawned kids that were alive during WWII. The majority of them lived to their 80s and 90s. Dying in your 70s was considered “dying young”, and NOBODY had dementia or Parkinson’s. Setting aside the existential horror of staying with them as a young child, because the food was dusty, bland, boring and regimented …. I will say this: They boiled nearly everything They never fried They used base ingredients (wheat, vegetables, grains) These guys lived through rationing, butter was considered to be a “premium” product, and water was free. They even boiled ham ffs. Coal dust is apparently less lethal than a modern diet, because these guys cooked like it was the apocalypse and most of them were spritely until their 80s.

All oils will eventually polymerize when heating, synthetic oil tend to do so at much higher temps because of more saturated bonding within HC molecules. A quick google search shows that in the paper “The Oleic/Linoleic Acid Ratio in Olive (Olea europaea L.) Fruit…” that lineoic acid content of Olive Oil, can range between 4 and ~27% depending on the cultivator. I.E. its a combination of location and genetics of the olive, maybe even growing conditions (variation within a season) that will drive the cell metabolism in the plant to prefer forming one type of fatty acid vs. another. So the idea that if the oilve oil polymerizes its not real olive oil is just not a good test. If anything it may tell you if the olive oil is of better quality, if you base quality on low linoleic acid content.

This happened to me accidentally once when I used vegetable oil to lubricate a ball bearing on a fan. After just a few weeks the fan was acting weird, and it took me a minute to figure out where the “plastic” ring in the bearing came from.

“Lard oil is the clear, colourless oil pressed from pure lard after it has been crystallized, or grained. It is used as a lubricant, in cutting oils, and in soap manufacture. “

canola oil is old news, how did you forget the new hotness “palm kernel oil”? It’s got 100% of the cost savings but with the addition of all of the green house gases, being that we gotta ship it 8000 or so miles from Indonesia and Malaysia. The wikipedia article says something about WWII where they combined Naptha and Palm oil to get some fancy fuel for both burning and sticking!

grapeseed oil polymerizes into a great hard seasoning layer on steel and cast iron. so does canola and soybean oil. flaxseed oil gets too hard and flakes off after 5 or 6 high temp baking sessions. olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, beef tallow, and lard flake off at high temps too. anything over 400 to 550f they just dont hold up. i found this out when i was baking things like pizza, different kinds of bread, or chicken thighs with cast iron that i seasoned with 3 to 6 coatings of each oil.

My husband used to oil his cricket bat with linseed oil and my grandfather used to to protect the wooden fence and soak the wooden fence posts overnight or a couple days in linseed oil on prevent rotting the wood posts in the ground to never using concrete to erecting fence posts and working with wood all his life and a wood yard from leaving school until he retired at age 78 years old and he had carpenters skills and cabinet making skills and he was always helping farmers out working on erecting fences and not having the tools that they have today to make a point on the fence posts like a pencil and drive the posts into the ground and not digging holes and they lasted longer than they do now. He also painted the posts with tar and it stopped rotting.

Seed Oil converts to PLASTIC

Seed Oil converts to PLASTIC

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