TESLA Microwave Oven? DNA Destruction Whilst Sitting In Stationary TESLA
TESLA Microwave Oven? DNA Destruction Whilst Sitting In Stationary TESLA
2003 TV show Dead Zone mentions Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine Cure Lockdown
2003 TV show Dead Zone mentions Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine Cure Lockdown
Blood from a recently Grounded Body — it unclumps, no Rouleaux formations
Blood from a recently Grounded Body
Jesuit Vatican CV19 Conspiracy is Admitted to by Catholic press (re-upload, censored) – An actual published admission
Jesuit Vatican CV19 Conspiracy is Admitted to by Catholic press
Fauci vs Fauci
Fauci vs Fauci – Jesuits exist to “counter” the Protestant Reformation. Jesuits historically known as poisoners, per the “fourth vow” in Congressional Record; notice the word “extirpation”. America largely a Protestant country; most of the world non-Catholic. Was the vaxx sham a “countering” by “extirpation”? Avoid the dire mistake of thinking Protestant Reformation (and thus Jesuit intrigue) was settled.
Dr Tullio Simoncini – Cancer as Fungus? Why are all cancers white?
Dr Tullio Simoncini – Cancer as Fungus – Baking Soda as anti-fungal
Stacked blood cells due to RF exposure
Stacked blood cells due to RF exposure – Exposure to microwave radiation from cellphones, wifi and cordless devices cause red blood cells to stack like Pringles or Oreo cookies in Rouleaux formation; stacked blood cells reduce capillary blood flow, may clot and cause systemic pain from lowered oxygen and waste buildup.