Microwave radiation causes red blood cells to stack in Rouleaux formation; stacked blood cells reduce capillary blood flow, may clot and cause systemic pain from lowered oxygen and waste buildup

Microwave radiation causes red blood cells to stack in Rouleaux formation.

SEX – Sacred Energy Xchange – TELEGONY shared paternity, the lasting concept of multiple male partners’ DNA combining upon procreation — GATTACA, Breeding, Bloodlines

Telegony, the ancient idea of shared paternity

TELEGONY shared paternity, the persistent concept of shared fathership; that women retain DNA from multiple partners, such DNA combined at procreation, to form a “diverse” offspring.

What’s Killing Italy? The predictively-programmed “Children of Men” population implosion may strike and destroy Italy first — wait, it’s already doing so – Italian Depopulation

Italian Depopulation – What’s Killing Italy? The predictively-programmed “Children of Men” population implosion may strike and destroy Italy first — wait, it’s already doing so

BAD VIBRATIONS — 96 million plastic “shade balls” in California drinking water reservoir – rubbing together, under intense sunlight, perfect conditions to release microplastic endocrine-disrupting, “feminizing”, mass-population sterilizers