MidwesternDoctor on Substack revealed as plagiarist
MidwesternDoctor on Substack revealed as plagiarist
Remember the Dangerous Disinfo Bullies and Their Wily Slimy Techniques
Remember the Dangerous Disinfo Bullies and Their Wily Slimy Techniques
It was like finding the big red 3M logo in the blood of the general population
It was like finding the big red 3M logo in the blood of the general population
Extensive Pentagon Biological Weapons EXPOSED by Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva AV9
Extensive Pentagon Biological Weapons EXPOSED by Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva AV9
2015 Mayor Eric Garcetti decided to feminize and faggify Los Angeles males who were poor or dumb enough to drink public water
2015 Mayor Eric Garcetti decided to feminize and faggify Los Angeles males who were poor or dumb enough to drink public water
UN UNESCO Says Educated Persons Are Less Sustainable Than Poor Persons
UN UNESCO Says Educated Persons Are Less Sustainable Than Poor Persons – UN UNESCO warns and damns smarties on page 12 of its own document.
Action of Centimeter Electromagnetic Waves on the Eye
Action of Centimeter Electromagnetic Waves on the Eye