Dr Tom Cowan explores proposed alternate causes to Polio, including Sugar, DDT, Arsenic, Electricity

Dr. Tom Cowan’s Controversial Theories on Polio and Alternate Causes Beyond the Poliovirus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHvJ0ymR5rg — Interview by Mercola of Tom Cowan Introduction: In the realm of medical history, few diseases have sparked as much controversy and debate as polio. While the conventional narrative attributes the cause of polio to the poliovirus, Dr. Tom Cowan, a … Read more

What’s Killing Italy? The predictively-programmed “Children of Men” population implosion may strike and destroy Italy first — wait, it’s already doing so – Italian Depopulation

Italian Depopulation – What’s Killing Italy? The predictively-programmed “Children of Men” population implosion may strike and destroy Italy first — wait, it’s already doing so

Screw your freedom – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Screw your freedom – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Fauci vs Fauci

Fauci vs Fauci – Jesuits exist to “counter” the Protestant Reformation. Jesuits historically known as poisoners, per the “fourth vow” in Congressional Record; notice the word “extirpation”. America largely a Protestant country; most of the world non-Catholic. Was the vaxx sham a “countering” by “extirpation”? Avoid the dire mistake of thinking Protestant Reformation (and thus Jesuit intrigue) was settled.