BIG PORN Global Pr0n Industry Dominated by MindGeek Funded by Colbett Capital JP Morgan Chase Cornell Univ and 123 others

BIG PORN Global Pr0n Industry Dominated by MindGeek Funded by Colbett Capital JP Morgan Chase Cornell Univ and 123 others

E Michael Jones revealed years ago the LIBIDO DOMINANDI precept of the Vatican which includes conquering society via pornography assault.

Bernd Bergmair is PornHub ‘secret’ majority shareholder.

Guest: Laila Mickelwait

PornHub is owned by MindGeek. MindGeek has monopoly on global pron industry – “Big Porn” — rebranded to AYLO. $362 million loan from Colbett hedgefund, 125 secret investors including JPMC and Cornell U. Playboy. Digital Playgrounds. BRAZZERS. RealityKings. Various *Tube sites.

Hunt For The Porn King investigation.

If you’re getting something for free it means that you’re the product.

She’s brave af for talking about the most dangerous wing of criminals

An ORGanization called “z0g” links to a list of Who Controls What and you can see for yourself, with all info gathered from public sources, WHO IS BEHIND WHAT

Modern media is crazy. This lady is breaking down mind-blowing facts about the p*** industry and Theo Von is cracking jokes in between because it’s still a comedy podcast. What a time to be alive

If you dig enough you will find that hundreds of big corporations fall under one corporation. It’s a monopoly.

Pattern recognition is a survival trait.

Shouldn’t it be “…(and Jwho Runs Them)” ? There is Zionica to the filthe. DR LASHA DARKMOON and DR HENRY MAKOW also have excellent info on the pron assault – particularly DARKMOON who was somehow dissuaded if not killed and the site is down but available on archive organization.

“Sexual abuse” LITERALLY begins at circumcision. Think about the brain-altering amount of pain that trauma causes. Keep thinking the “cut” males are anywhere near “normal” as God intended after that assault. JEANICE BARCELO has much more on this exact topic.
BIG PORN Global Pr0n Industry Dominated by MindGeek Funded by Colbett Capital JP Morgan Chase Cornell Univ and 123 others

BIG PORN Global Pr0n Industry Dominated by MindGeek Funded by Colbett Capital JP Morgan Chase Cornell Univ and 123 others

BELOW: Bernd Bergmair, the Top Guy in porn industry.

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BELOW: Fabian Thylmann, the ‘Zuckerberg of Porn’

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CEO, COO resigned. Being sued civilly by 300+ victims in 25 lawsuits including multiple class-action suits on behalf of tens of thousands of child victims. Legal discovery ongoing.

PornHub sold as distressed asset. Ethical Capital Partners formed specifically to buy the site. Headed by Solomon Friedman, criminal defense attorney.

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BELOW: PornHub HQ in Canada

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BELOW: Karim El Marazi

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