Insanity 2.0
PROJECT STARGATE: Everything They’re NOT Telling You
After what just happened … You take that shot — any shot — YOU DESERVE TO DIE
PROJECT STARGATE: Everything They’re NOT Telling You
The government doesn’t want you to live long enough to retire.
Remember, a patient cured is a customer lost.
Is anybody still under the delusion that we can vote our way out of this mess?
We went from “MAHA” to “mRNA AI cancer jabs” REAL QUICK.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
I’m sick of a few people being given power over millions.
Trump and Bill Gates spent 3 hours together at dinner on Boxing Day to discuss vaccines, per a Wall Street Journal interview. That’s scary…
The self-proclaimed “father of the vaccine” is back.
Cowards and sheep took the jab. I lost my old job for my principles. I’ll gladly die for not just my Rights, but for everyone’s Rights.
Trump once called Fauci “very intelligent “
Go back 50, 75, 100, 150 years. The real question is, why has cancer, ESPECIALLY childhood cancer become so prevalent??? Autism as well!!!
Why are tech guys so interested in a vaccine and healthcare?
Cancer is a money maker. But, there is more to it. About 6 months ago I heard that rather than working on cures for Cancer, they will be working on managing it. That implies that most people will be stricken with Cancer. And, for the rest of their lives they will need weekly or monthly treatment. I suggest that they can put anything into those Chemo bags, and we would be none the wiser. We’d also be too sick to fight or perhaps even think rationally.