Remember the Dangerous Disinfo Bullies and Their Wily Slimy Techniques
When parents discover what the ingredients in any vaccine are, and make a choice not to vaccinate their children in order to protect them from the consequences, the decision of those parents should be respected.
Too bad the vaxx didn’t fixx this person in time to prevent her spreading false dangerous info.
The only thing that will stop vaccine hesitancy is transparency, compensation of victims and honest and true science without the influence of profit and politics.
Very heartening to see the amount of awareness in the comment section
My 3 kids are totally vaccine decision ever made next to prolonged breastfeeding. Why? Because they are 16, 13 and 8 and for most part they don’t know how doctors office look( apart from few random things). No allergies, no autoimmune, no mental illness, no obesity, but top grades, top class athletes. Myself I have chronic health conditions -had all my vaccines ( not Covid ) and more. [[“KIDS” is Zionic MK — Kidds are baby goats; stop being stooge Goyim.]]
Sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The best part about believing misinformation is not having myocarditis
This tedtalk is hilarious. There are no lengths the pharmaceutical industry won’t go to to promote their shots. Even getting a sweetly-spoken lady to be all caring and understanding, but still saying that we’re letting down humanity.
I am parent of a child who is a victim of vaccine damage. This gave me enough learning to cut the unnecessary vaccines on my second child. The best vaccine is good nutrition, vitamin D from sunlight and exposing your child to nature rather than living in artificial inert environment.
Did she just say, as parents “we need to stop blaming each other?” While doing just that? That was amazing! The entire talk was a condemnation of a group of parents she disagrees with & then ended it by saying we need to be more empathetic.
Honestly I was all for vaccination. My son got his 2 months and his 4 months shots. And what the nurse had told me was since he had no reaction the first time, he should have one this time because they were the “same” vaccines. But he did have a reaction. A terrible one. A very high fever, his legs swelled up to the point of BURNING at injection sight, he would not eat or sleep. I couldn’t even touch his legs without him screaming. Mind you, he had NO reaction the first time. So we made the decision to stop vaccinating him because there is no transparency or guarantee that my son or any child will be safe after vaccines. Walk into any doctors office and tell them to GUARANTEE that your child will be ok, put it in writing. They won’t, because they themselves don’t know what’s inside these vaccines either.
She doesn’t have a clue as to why parents are refusing vaccines.
And this is coming from a country whose children receive the most vaccines in the developed world and experience ever increasing health related ailments.
My nephew opted out of getting his last child vaccinated as 2 of his 4 children before her developed deafness, the others wheezing and eczema ect…my sister’s son developed severe autism after his last vaccines. My nephew’s last child who has no vaccinations is advanced cognitively, calm, with zero health problems!
My son was neurologically damaged at 1yr old from 3 shots only. Pediatricians have no clue what the ingredients are in shots. The main reason for most disease is sanitation, nutrition, and hygiene. There is no need for shots.
That the term “vaccine refusal” even implies something that should be mandated or expected of parents is part of the problem. Parents choose for their children what they believe is best for them, and all attempts to impose vis societal pressure or legislation a one size fits all solution are inherently morally bankrupt.
she made some excellent points but lost credibility as soon as she started advocating for eradicating individual liberties and that the collective is more important. This was cleverly done by attempting to justify forcing people to take vaccines based on the idea that it’s the same thing as wanting what’s best for other people’s children. Equating forced vaccination to being selfless. This makes sense only within the premise that the government has our best interests at heart. The debate is not really about vaccines, it’s about trust.
Parents who don’t vaccinate their kids are smart and strong.
15 years as an RN, the last five years of my career as a school nurse. It was a wake-up call to learn how many vaccines were added since I was born in 1979. It was alarming to see a healthy middle schooler get the HPV vaccine and immediately start a downward spiral with debilitating gut issues, muscle weakening, and eventually be wheelchair bound. Most kids have no obvious signs of vaccine injury… but when you consider the autism diagnosis sky rocketing, it makes you wonder if they are connected. I have heard people try an explain “we’re more aware now, so more are being diagnosed” but I don’t buy it. I remember the kids I grew up with, schools full of all kinds of different kids. It’s different today. Between the wild amounts of vaccines injected into them from birth, and at wild speeds and clusters, to screen addictions, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, the “social justice” experiments, experimental gene therapy that we’re told is just a “vaccine”, and checked-out parents… these kids are being messed up. Keep your children close and teach them the truth, or they will become victims.
I remember in my lifetime people that chose to not vaccinate were not attacked and belittled for their choices because everyone knew yes there are reactions and it should be an individual’s choice what they put into their body from food, medications ,vaccines etc. I assume social conditioning must be at play. Just wish everyone could all get along again and stop being so judgemental in all areas not just this one
I will NEVER vaccinate my child. I love him!
The lady sounds like someone who wants to make decisions for other people.
72 vaccines for kids ? WTF
Wow. I am so impressed about the comments! Well done! I didn’t watch the video. I don’t need to. I came here just for the comments.
vxx for farm animals — They are coming for Your Food now and have been for many years already