Good intenders seemingly oblivious to the mass and slow kill agenda
There’s a sense that simply revealing evil will cause ‘authorities’ to make some good happen in response; this is simply untrue and always, always has been.
Numerous law-makers and councilmembers have been alerted, vociferously, over years, and ZERO GOOD has ever come of it. ZERO. They are there simply to continue the Agenda by intercepting, blunting and defraying efforts against its Evil.
These people (and most viewers) still simply do not understand that the whole thing was always meant to be a slow-kill profit-maker for the evil players in-the-scheme. It probably began before Palm 90 was ‘crashed’ in Washington DC — that flight went down in 1982, killed 8 electrical engineers and primary design-team members of Fairchild’s fledgling cellular development initiative. That changed the landscape and the cell-phone baton was passed to the far more deeply-controlled Motorola and the rest is history. For ‘proof’ see the 1,400-page textbook co-authored by Obama’s Science Czar, John Holdren, which openly suggests ways to sterilize and depopulate the masses, including poisoning the public water supplies. Poisoning the RF spectrum is just another part of the plan. — If you don’t understand that – especially by now – it’s fair to say that you probably deserve to go away anyways.
Dr. Goldberg is still learning. Her understanding of electrosensitivity is not accurate, unfortunately. There ARE people who are MORE sensitive to electromagnetic fields, especially after a toxic exposure or due to genetic predisposition, etc. I am one of them. We are not just people who are aware and can feel the fields. Our immune systems have reacted to the EMF fields in an allergic-like manner that goes beyond typical allergies but includes some of those symptoms. Physicians and scientists play catch-up to real life, they do not define it. That being said, I think Dr. Goldberg’s interview is very well done.
Here is the point I wanted to make (and failed to convey). There is no question that certain people are more reactive to EMFs – I would hate for anyone to think that that is my view – it is not. My point was that we have a problem with our medical terminology. One can not be sensitive to a toxin. Our > 50 years evidence base demonstrates that EMFs at many frequencies are toxic to living organisms. To me, sensitivity implies that the human body, under normal circumstances, should be expected to tolerate EMF exposures without any biological effects. Based on our research this is not true. Bottom line, we need to ensure that the scientific and medical terms accurately reflect our science and are non-judgmental.
QUSTION: Does someone know the link to the contribution from Larry Dust abou tmaking the home EMF safe? 20 m from my home a celltower with 4G and 5G was put on the roof. I can no more sleep, hear constant 2000 hertz and suffer a hot burning on my skin, headaches, chest pain, energylessness, loss of memory.
Clearly, clearly, you are imagining the WHOLE THING !!!!! Seriously though, Sig Freud was BOOSTED IN PROMINENCE to help propel his explaining-away of neurasthenia (sickness from exposure to electromag) as something in-the-head rather than biological jeopardy. The forces that can do this kind of manipulation are massive and unimaginably evil. Keep that in mind as you finally realize that your only hope is to move away from the monster They installed near you.
[This is indicative of a low-level, chronic poisoning which microwave radiation is according to thousands of scientific and military studies. Increasing exposure to microwave radiation and also to Monsanto’s Glyphosate (“Round-Up”) have mirrored the dramatic climb of sicknesses. See work by Dr Stephanie Seneff and Dr Zach Bush re: Glyphosate.]
Microwave allergy causes blood clotting, “Rouleaux Formation”, shown by Dr Magda Havas