Weak or Stupid Jabbed Now Going Gone Fortunately for Us

Weak or Stupid Jabbed Now Going Gone Fortunately for Us

The sooner those bullies, oafs and go-alongs fall away, by whatever means, the better for the rest of us.

“I wrote the medical freedom law for the Constitution of El Salvador.” – Dr Jack Kruse, 31:20 in

I’m a nurse. I was the immunization nurse for my county, so I attended the classes and seminars for work. When the thing first came out, I asked the pharmacist for the insert on the vax so I could study it. The insert is supposed to tell you about the efficacy, indications and contraindications. The only thing printed on it was “intentionally left blank” on both sides. I showed it to the pharmacist and passed on getting it. My house passed on it after I told them about it. My extended family took it, including my parents and brother. My brother died 8 months ago and my dad has a terminal neurological disease. My mom isn’t looking too good either. She’s had 3 boosters. She caught the virus in June. Paxlovid made her so sick she stopped taking it after the first day. 4 of her meds were in the black box warning for Paxlovid. Neither the dr or pharmacy caught that. She threw it in the trash, even though it was $1600. I got horse paste for her and she was on the mend after 4 days. I will never trust the medical industry again.

I’m a Nurse, worked in the ICU for 22 yrs and got a religious exemption for the COVID Shot, most of my family listened to me except my Dad and one brother, they are both deceased now. Now i work as a Chart Review Nurse and I’m seeing lots of patients coming in with Turbo Cancer, and young people too! It’s horrible! I’m glad i followed Kennedy for years before COVID came along.

this is incredible and concise information! I’m a pharmacist….. quit my “normal” pharmacist career after 30 years behind the counter in Sept 2020 because I wouldn’t give the jab to anyone (as part of my job description), much less receive the jab myself. In 2010, I read the extremely important book, Dr. Mary’s Monkey and it’s one of the pivotal pieces of information that I highly suggest to others. The Industrial Medical Complex is so tightly interwoven with the government and its 3 letter agencies (CIA, FBI etc), that it is only healthy to extricate oneself from the system as entirely (or as much as) possible.

My brother a John Hopkins, trained surgical nurse vaccinated, four times by Moderna deceased at age 58 last year my sister-in-law 57 last year went to the doctor wasn’t feeling good and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was dead in three weeks and have 33 strokes in that timeframe. I have friends who are now battling serious health issues after they’ve been VAX’d. I run a dog rescue and am hearing of many people dying and they’re not senior citizens or geriatric and now friends or family need to find homes for their dog. In fact, we’ve had two adopters this year who’ve got catastrophic illnesses and had to return the dogs to us and one is dying. We are highly disturbed by this because we’re seeing a trend of deaths which me thinking that there’s gonna be even more dogs need Rescue because we are in such an animal welfare crisis in this country now.

8 Cancer Doctors died in the recent Brazilian air plane crash that killed 61 people. Coincidence?

It’s already there in America. If you are poor if you are old. Medicare Medicaid 1991 I was forced take a flu shot or don’t graduate. That was not influenza A they gave me. It was Dengue fever. I was sick for 3 months. And then after that I had my first bout of gastroparesis. Thank goodness for Mary Jane that saved me from getting a g-tube. I have mthfr, I am hypermobile. EDS and vascular veds. Medical freedom should go through everyone. 1997. My boss, take it or lose your job. Who knew a pharmaceutical rep could pay your boss $1,000 if 50 or more people got whatever they were bringing in.

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