Too bad your sick and dead relatives and friends did not listen did not know

Too bad your sick and dead relatives and friends did not listen did not know

Dr Rima Laibow alerts in 2009 on Jesse Ventura “Conspira” TV series:

2:25 in — “In a very short time, not today not tomorrow but very soon, we’ll be facing compulsory vaccination. … The [UN’s] World Health Organization has decided that [90% population reduction is desired]. The [WHO] has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility. … They will induce a pandemic … everybody around us is going to get the flu … then the United States government will [react] … what that means is a genocidal holocaust [will be foisted by the US government upon the population via compulsory sterilizing vaccinations]. Mean and women will sicken and die, and those who survive will be infertile.”

Too bad your sick and dead relatives and friends did not listen did not know

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