CDC Now Ready To Target You They Will Do It Again Disturbing Plan

CDC Now Ready To Target You They Will Do It Again (Disturbing Plan)

I worked as a firefighter in deep red Texas during the H1N1 time. Back then I saw two people pass from taking that vax. They went and got the shot came home, called us, and by the time we got there they were gone. The FD I worked on was getting instructions from the county that they might end up having us force people to take the vax, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and because of that I retired and quit the fire dept. It can happen, and probably will happen, and the ones left on the department are the ones that walk among us that are A OK with following tyrannical orders. The ones that are for the people will not stay employed by tyrants….let that sink in, it goes for everyone you come into contact with….police, medical professionals, first responders etc etc etc. DO NOT call them, they aren’t there to help you.

When it really starts people will quit there jobs and we will turn the tables on these clowns , When you have nothing , You have nothing to lose

All health care employees are in grave danger.

Cdc is prvate organization

This will be a call of duty for law abiding citizens

What happen to just say no to drugs

Remember Mandates are not Law! Do Not Comply!

At mark 9:53… her necklece is a hebrew letter “chet” : Chet can mean “sin”. The name of the letter sounds similar to the Hebrew word set up, which also means “sin”. In Reform Judaism, the term cheit is used to describe “missing the mark” in archery, and is also used in a section of High Holiday liturgy called the Al Cheit, which is a confession of ways in which people have “missed the mark” in the past year.

CDC Now Ready To Target You They Will Do It Again

Many Cohen, CDC Director 2024 — — Comment from video: At mark 9:53… her necklece is a hebrew letter “chet” : Chet can mean “sin”. The name of the letter sounds similar to the Hebrew word set up, which also means “sin”. In Reform Judaism, the term cheit is used to describe “missing the mark” in archery, and is also used in a section of High Holiday liturgy called the Al Cheit, which is a confession of ways in which people have “missed the mark” in the past year. 
Many Cohen, CDC Director 2024

VITAL — Don’t forget braggart Trump claiming to be “the father of the vaccine”.

Their Vaccine Agenda supersedes all parties, all politicians, all nations.

Don’t forget this gem —

CDC’s Carol J. Baker proposes to “get rid of all the white [persons] in the United States”

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