10 Reasons to Never Eat Wheat

10 Reasons to Never Eat Wheat

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10 Reasons to Never Eat Wheat

  1. Gliadin-derived opioid peptides stimulate appetite – Humans do not have the digestive enzymes to break down seeds of grasses and grains; therefore, grains are not fully digestible and are broken down into chunks of amino acids which act as opioids, stimulating appetite.
  2. Gliadin-derived opioid peptides stimulate appetite have other mind effects – mania, binging, depression, mood.
  3. Gliadin initiates the process of autoimmunity.
  4. Amylopectic A (complex carbohydrate) – An highly digestible, raises blood sugar higher than almost all other foods; diabetes from wheat and grains.
  5. Wheat germ agglutinin is potent bowel toxin – Damages vili, looks just like celiac disease. Contact with blood causes blood agglutination, clotting.
  6. Wheat germ agglutinin blocks cholecystokinin (“CCK”) – Endocrine disruption, digestive upset and disruption.
  7. Phykates bind minerals and block absorption – Wheat and grains causes numerous mineral deficiencies.
  8. Many wheat proteins are allergens.
  9. Wheat causes endocrine hormone disruptions.
  10. Big food manufacturers use wheat to manipulate buying behavior.


I am 73. For 30 years, I had arthritis pain. After giving up added sugars 5 years ago, my pain greatly diminished. After giving up grains 2 years ago, my pain disappeared.

The Zionic forces behind the inverted “food pyramid” are unnaturally concentrated — learn about the group present in abnormal abundance — thezog dot wordpress

Hubby had hives on his head for years so bad he couldn’t lay his head on a pillow. Went to numerous doctors and they told him it was his nerves and would prescribe a steroid cream that never helped. We gave up all grains two years ago and all the hives went away and have not come back. We will never go back to eating grains again and big Thanks to Dr Davis

All of the doctors who post online are saying the same thing: stay away from wheat and grains.

He is right on. Could hardly walk with multiple inflammatory diseases. Eat veggies, meat, eggs, Greek yogurt, berries, nuts & seeds & do not eat wheat, sugar, processed foods, or complex carbs. All inflammation gone! It in my head. Very strong personality that pays attention to logic.

Within 24hr of taking bread, I will get sinus infection.

Thanks Dr. Davis. This was the most comprehensive and astute explanation of grain poisoning I have seen on youtube yet. I’m taking your advice to the bank!

Just answered all my health questions in one video. Thanks

I “gave up” wheat and grains about 6 months ago, after numerous minor issues with my digestion. (at least I thought they were minor) I also follow Dr.Sten Ekberg and began intermittent fasting and a light protein ketogenic nutrition plan. I have lost 19 pounds! No digestive issues at all! Absolutely no grains or seed oils or hidden sugars. Just whole foods and good sleep. At 74 years old I have never felt better! How marvelous is that? I am hoping that I will be able to introduce some organic wild rice, but in the meantime I have been using almond flour. I used to eat brown rice and quinoa bread..no more!

1. The gliadin protein in wheat is poorly digested in humans and is highly addictive stimulating appetite.

2. Gliaden derived opioid peptides have other mind altering effects.

3. Gliadin protein induces autoimmune response.

4. Amylopectin carbohydrate in grains raises blood sugar higer than almost all other foods.

5.Wheat germ agglutinin is potent bowel toxin.

6. Wheat germ agglutinin blocks pancreatic and gall bladder function (CCK).

7. Phytates bind minerals and block absorption.

8. Many modern wheat proteins are allergens.

9. Wheat causes endocrine hormone disruptions. PCOS

10. Big Food uses wheat to manipulate buying behavior.Show less

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