2003 TV show Dead Zone mentions Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine Cure Lockdown

2003 TV show Dead Zone mentions Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine Cure Lockdown

You won’t believe it, except this 3-minute long “supercut” encodes and predictively-programs nearly the entire shamscam, right there on TV in 2003. https://wp.conspira.org/2024/07/corona-virus-hydroxychloroquine-cure-lockdown-in-2003-tv-show-dead-zone/

virus like sars


“for your family’s safety”


mucous swab

“efficient airborne transmission”

“china, isn’t that where flu viruses come from?”

“whatever it is, it originated in china”

“isolate the coronavirus that caused SARS”

quarantine for any contact w symptomatic person


the immediate ‘dead drop’


DEAD ZONE – episode “PLAGUE”

2003 TV show Dead Zone mentions Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine Cure Lockdown

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