White LED lights at domestic lighting levels cause retinal injury in rats and likely humans

Blue Light Blinds

White LED lights at domestic lighting levels cause retinal injury in rats and likely humans ‘Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) deliver higher levels of blue light to the retina than do conventional domestic light sources.  Study revealed vision cell damage and death per blue-light induced photochemical injury of the retina. Free radical production / oxidative stress in … Read more

Likely Harmful Major Changes Being Made to Power Grid per Eric Dollard

Power Grid Harm

Likely Harmful Major Changes Being Made to Power Grid per Eric Dollard “When the long-proven delta-wye magnetic isolation is foolishly defeated by metallic bypass (at unwarranted great cost), all previously semi-isolated local ground ‘pools’ will become galvanically interconnected, allowing future lightning-strike spikes, EMP/CME events or other catastrophic high-tension failures to cause much more unbuffered devastation … Read more

The Physical Basis of Electromagnetic Interactions with Biological Systems 1977


The Physical Basis of Electromagnetic Interactions with Biological Systems 1977 The 1977 workshop titled “The Physical Basis of Electromagnetic Interactions with Biological Systems,” held at the University of Maryland, was a significant event that brought together experts to explore how electromagnetic fields interact with biological entities. Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, the Naval … Read more

History Health Effects RF Microwave Radiation Dr Zory Glaser

History Health Effects RF Microwave Radiation Dr Zory Glaser From the Archives ofDr Zory R Glaser, PhD, LT MSC, USNRFormer US Navy Researcher, NIOSH Manager, Executive Secretary Advisor to US FDA Biological_Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiationhttps://wp.toxi.com/2025/02/biological-effects-and-health-implications-of-microwave-radiation-symposium-1969/

Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation Symposium 1969

Rf Sympo

Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation Symposium 1969 The 1969 “Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation” symposium, held in Richmond, Virginia, was a pivotal event that gathered experts to discuss the potential health impacts of microwave exposure. One notable contribution was by Janet Healer, who reviewed studies on individuals occupationally exposed … Read more

Electromagnetic radiation focused by cornea causes eye damage Sir Lawrence Bragg Royal Institute

Em Physics

Electromagnetic radiation focused by cornea causes eye damage Sir Lawrence Bragg Royal Institute “That the glass lense, like your cornea, focuses electromagnetic radiation is strong evidence supporting the theory that our evergrowing environmental toxin of radiofrequency radiation is primarily responsible for our evermore damaged eyesight, collectively.” Note also that troops, humans, animals exposed to electromagnetic … Read more

The Problem with Masks and Jesuits

Dark Jesu

The Problem with Masks and Jesuits CDC, WHO – Masks Should Only Be Worn If You’re Sick Or Taking Care Of Sick Person – 1:00 in Beware Fauci is the purposely duplicitous clown who suggested one mask, two masks, no masks. Having been formed in response to the Protestant Reformation, Jesuits literally exist to “counter” … Read more

Billions of microwave radiation blasts per second is Much Worse than some particles every minute WIFI MICROWAVES MUCH WORSE THAN IONIZING RAD


Billions of microwave radiation blasts per second is Much Worse than some particles every minute WIFI MICROWAVES MUCH WORSE THAN IONIZING RAD “microwave radiation is extremely toxic. “ionizing” radiation blasts out a particle or two every few seconds in one or two directions only. microwave radiation blasts out billions of times per second in every … Read more

The Right Man For The Jab RFK Jr is ONE OF THEM


The Right Man For The Jab RFK Jr is ONE OF THEM When Trump read THE SNAKE poem, he openly warned us; what do snakes do? They bite and inject venom. Darth Vaxxer. With Trump the self-promoting “Father of the Vaccine”, here is RFK Jr proving that he is pro-CDC, pro-vaccine, pro-Big-Pharma, pro-injury, pro-injecticide, pro-medicide, … Read more